Functional Music to Improve

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A new approach to music

Music is usually made to grab your attention and express emotion. But we create music with a new approach, starting with your needs and working from there. As a result, sounds different–and affects your brain differently–than any other music.
Just as the visual design of an office or bedroom should enhance its function, the music you listen to should support your goals as well. Think of as interior design for your mind! is a collaboration between scientists, musicians and developers who each believe that the best approach to functional music is not curation of existing music, but through research, testing, and in every way crafting music with function first.

As seen in

the guardian logo
the hustle

Tested on Brain and Behavior

Scientists at work with collaborators at academic institutions to run experiments.

We look at the effects of our technology on the brain, using fMRI and EEG, and also run large-scale behavioral tests, measuring performance on simple games.

Our experiments always include a control condition (‘placebo’) of the same underlying music without technology applied, so we can be sure our tech is what makes the difference.

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